A Lean Assessment Is A Great Place To Start
Details in Brief:
We offer a reduced cost, Lean Assessment visit in which TPS Lean experts closely examine and evaluate your production processes. Other evaluations may include: operations, purchasing, shipping, and all other support functions.
We present management with specific examples of how our assistance in actually implementing Lean Manufacturing will impact the bottom-line in your plant.
We develop specific recommendations and collaborate with Top Management to create a course of action that will guarantee immediate and long-term “Bang for the Buck” gains.
What are we looking for during an assessment?
The simple answer to this question is WASTE.
We also look at these and other factors:
The “Vision” of Senior Management
Inventory In All Its Forms
Urgent Issues That Must Be Quickly Remedied
Product Lead-Times & Throughput
On-Time Delivery, Quality, & Client Centered Metrics
Production Capacity & Planning
Machine Downtime Including Setups & Changeovers
Risks Related To Losing Customers
Workspace (Floor Space) Utilization
Internal Talent Whom We Can Mentor
Work Processes
Company History & Outlook
Management Structure & Employee Morale
Product Flow and Movement
Materials Replenishment
Cleanliness & General Organization
Supplier Issues
Workplace Culture
In a very friendly but purposeful way we walk the shop floor, review paperwork, examine support functions & ask many questions.
Why Waste?
Well, as it turns out waste is a real bugger and is lurking in so many places and in so many forms. Our eyes are finely tuned to find waste in even the most “efficient” well-oiled factories. That’s what we do. In it’s purest form Lean Manufacturing is all about eliminating waste.
We teach your people how to find waste, appropriate ways of reducing it, and collaborate with them to make bottom-line improving changes.
Our methods benefit our clients, but they also benefit us. If we help you save or make additional hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars by improving processes and eliminating waste you are very likely to use our talents as a proven and effective resource. Just imagine what will happen as we teach your people these skills!
Our services become “SELF-FUNDING” through real savings and improvements. We are willing to put our fees on the line to prove it.
Call us to setup your Lean Assessment. We Guarantee you’ll be glad you did! We will sign and honor any Confidentiality Agreements.
Click HERE If you would like to read a brief article about how a Lean Assessment is generally conducted.
New – Download Lean Self-Assessment Tool
United States: 1+ (435)-792-4380
Bill Hanover, CCO
TPS – ThroughPut Solutions