Our Process

Our Guarantee:

TPS offers a “Pay For Performance” guarantee, which states:

“If at any time you should be dissatisfied with services received, all consulting fees will be removed from the invoice.”

The “Lean Right Now!” Process:

1. Assess Needs and Opportunities

2. Educate and Get Commitments From Top Management

3. Conduct Improvement Events to Implement Lean Manufacturing “Right Now!”

4. Establish an In-house Continuous Improvement Program

1. Assess Needs and Opportunities

We offer a reduced cost Lean Assessment visit in which TPS Lean experts closely examine and evaluate your production processes. Later evaluations include Operations, Purchasing, Shipping, and all other support functions.

We present management with specific examples of how our program will impact the your plant’s bottom-line.

We develop specific recommendations and collaborate with Top Management to create a course of action that will guarantee immediate and long-term gains. In other words, we’ll help you identify a plan that provides “The Most Bang for the Buck.”

2. Educate and Get Commitments from Top Management

We train top and middle management in “Lean Manufacturing Basics” (as needed), and what to expect during the transition and into the future.

Top Management commits to a course of action to implement Lean for the benefit of all involved. Leadership and “vision” from senior management is absolutely critical to a successful implementation.

3. Conduct Kaizen Blitzes (High-Impact Improvement Events) to Implement Lean Manufacturing “Right Now!”

We invite small groups of people from the shop floor, office areas, supervision, maintenance, or any other area to form a “Blitz Team.” Into their hands we place some essential but powerful Lean Manufacturing tools and facilitate the discovery and problem resolution process. Blitzes normally last 4 – 5 days.

Most Blitzes resolve serious problems, greatly reduce waste, improve capacity and throughput, increase quality, reduce lead-times, and improve ergonomics.

We focus on “Real” constraints (explained during assessment).

4. Establish an In-house Continuous Improvement Program

We commit to transferring our skills and knowledge to your staff to make continuous improvement efforts part of the culture and an ongoing part of your success.

Like investing in a great piece of capital equipment, Lean Manufacturing pays dividends for many years to come.

Your Lean Conversion Is “Self-Funding”

Reduced inventory, waste, floor space, and downtime yields…

Improved processes and repeatable quality providing…

Increased throughput and cash flow.

Think We’re Exaggerating?

What if after one Kaizen Blitz we helped you more than double the capacity of your slowest operation (your plant’s primary constraint), without adding any people, overtime, or equipment? We’ve done it!

To give you some specific examples of results we have helped companies achieve and some of the tools we use to help create “World Class” operations, we have listed a few items on the page titled Case Studies/Results”for your perusal. Because we respect the privacy of our clients, direct references are available only upon request.

If you’d like to see how getting “Lean Right Now!” will help your company achieve “World Class Excellence” please give us a call or send us an email to arrange for your Lean Assessment visit. (435) 792-4380