Lean Manufacturing Check-Up
An Assessment Process Designed for Lean Leaders in Mature Lean Companies:
If your company has been Lean for a long time and you are wondering what more you can do on your Lean journey then our Lean Check-up is right for you.
Let’s face it, you know your way around all the tools and skills behind Lean and you have “been there and done that” while implementing Lean throughout your company.
Our Lean Check-up uses a proven strategy and a set of “fresh eyes” focussed to help you find additional improvements even after you have been diligent and committed to Lean methods for months or even years.
Even the Leanest of operations can benefit from the Lean Check-up process.
We don’t want the credit for helping Lean Leaders find new improvements. Really! We simply serve your Lean leadership as temporary advisors and collaborators. Our goal is to support the great work you have already completed, present new opportunities for improvement, and get out of your way.
As always we will justify our fees through improvements.
Call today to discuss how we can work with you to facilitate your Lean Check-up and find new Lean opportunites that impact your company’s bottom-line.
New – Download Lean Self-Assessment Tool