Integrated Steel Mill

Note: The Undisputed Leader in Lean Results for Steel/Metals Producers Can be Found at Our Partner WebsiteThe Hands-On Group


The maintenance department of this large union mill had an enormous amount of work to complete with a significantly reduced staff over earlier levels. The initial assignment was to help them learn how to more efficiently complete the many tasks they were required to accomplish on a regular basis. We soon discovered that the issues were more a function of conflicting protocols and competing agendas which became our approved and primary area of emphasis.

Lean Solutions:

Upon learning the true nature of the difficulties experienced in trying to meet the rigorous demands of the maintenance department and the desire held by the majority of those in the department to improve and be proactive in their efforts, we began a process of “asking why?” This tool, (Ask Why 5 Times), is a lean manufacturing method that helps facilitators find root causes of presenting problems. Soon we learned that there was no existing protocol that allowed for improvements to happen in a streamlined manner nor in a reasonable time frame. This became our task. Working with union and management leadership we created and implemented an agreed upon protocol for implementing improvements.

Lean Impact/Results:

Collaboration between union and management leadership and maintenance staff, allowed for the creation of a system that generated new and lasting improvements throughout the company. This protocol was adopted throughout many of the facilities and incorporated into job responsibilities.

We Are Proud to Collaborate With The Hands-On Group Who Have Achieved Literally Hundreds of Millions in Inventory Reduction and Increased Profits for Metals Industries Over the Past 18 Years.

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