
Low-Tech Lean:   If MacGyver can do it so can you!

This article emphasizes creatively using materials you already have in-house to make Lean improvements without buying high-tech or high priced equipment. A little ingenuity and a sprinkle of creativity and even the most budget-challenged company can implement their own Lean solutions on the cheap.

Mere Mortal Managers

A series of three articles designed to help managers effectively lead the transformation to Lean Manufacturing and World Class Excellence. The first article “Self-Correction” discusses how to recover from past management failings and the qualities of successful managers who have lead their companies through a Lean transformation. The second article “Preparation” discusses needed preparations before beginning your Lean process. The third article in the series “Execution” provides further practical advice and time saving tips to ensure a smooth and efficient transition to Lean and World Class Excellence.

Flexible Approaches To Implementing Lean Manufacturing

This article briefly describes four new approaches being pioneered in an effort to make Lean implementation available to all companies regardless of their financial situation or personnel constraints. No matter what approach you take to becoming Lean, allow yourself and your staff to enjoy the process. Few events in manufacturing are as exciting or dramatic as radically improving your workplace and the camaraderie of good people eagerly engaged in making the company better and stronger for everyone. Focus any of the approaches described in this article at your company’s “Constraints” and you will increase throughput and profits while substantially reducing waste.

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