Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

TPM is a powerful program for planning and achieving minimal machine downtime. Equipment and tools are literally put on “proactive” maintenance schedules to keep them running efficiently and with greatly reduced downtime. Machine operators take far greater responsibility for their machines upkeep. Maintenance technicians are liberated from mundane, routine maintenance, enabling them to focus on urgent repairs and proactive maintenance activities. A solid TPM program allows you to plan your downtime and keep breakdowns to a minimum.

Implementation: We have developed an aggressive approach to teaching, implementing, and preparing your associates to take over the TPM program as quickly as possible. Within 2 to 3 weeks of focused efforts and coaching, we create your internal “TPM Champions” capable of leading the program for years to come.

Summary: TPM is an outstanding program that drives improvement initiatives and facilitates many other Lean activities. Without a strong TPM program, becoming truly Lean would be a difficult if not impossible task in an environment heavily dependent on machinery. Buy-in at the shop floor level is generally quite high as TPM is an exciting undertaking!

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TPM 5 Pillars